
Иностранный язык английский/ преподаватель Щаева А.М.

Выполнить все задания к практическим работам 1-5 Практическая работа № 1 1. Read and translate the text: LIGHTHOUSES. A lighthouse is a structure showing a light. The light serves as an aid to navigation.    Lighthouses are located on land and at sea. In most cases lighthouses are erected on solid foundations,                        Sometimes   the foundation is a framework. Lights are often exhibited from poles, posts, staffs   e.t.c.                                                                        Lighthouses vary in appearance. They are circular, pyramidal, quadrangular, square, cylindrical, triangular, rectangular, hexagonal and octagonal.      Lighthouses are built of steel, stone, concrete, wood, iron, brick, plastic   e.t.c.     Lighthouses are painted white, yellow, red, green e.t.c., sometimes they are painted in horizontal or vertical stripes of different   colours. The lights may be fixed, single-flashing, group- flashing, composite group-flashi